About OkCampfire

Around campfires, for whatever reason, our species has shared stories, emotions, and connected with each other. Something about being in the darkness with nothing but a fire to light & warm up the people surrounding it; brings out a certain level of openness. The campfires were never perfect, sometimes they were too smokey, hot, bright, or dim; sometimes they had too much ash or not enough coals. It never mattered. Just like the people, the fires needed looked after and were imperfect.

Back in the day, an explorer could see a campfire for miles. It was a signal that another person was there. If that explorer then took a chance, they might sit at the campfire of a fellow explorer, a stranger with the potential of becoming a lifelong friend. Being around a campfire is what helped generations connect with themselves and others, it just looks a little different now. It’s no secret that we’re all craving to connect.

This is what I am chasing. I want to be comfortable sharing & being seen by others. I do this through creative expression. Though I may just be a stranger, I hope that I may inspire you to grow closer to your true self as you continue your journey beyond the light of my campfire.

The fire serves as a reminder that it’s okay to be a human and not fit in a box. You know what burns really well and is an excellent fire starter? Boxes. Actually recycle them & check burn restrictions so we don’t burn the forests down (I see you, hippie part of myself).

Did I mention I have ADHD? Anyway, I could just keep this campfire to myself but I hope to share this campfire with others, as a reminder that it’s okay to be you and accept all parts of yourself. I am nowhere close to perfectly embracing myself (nor do I strive for perfection anymore), I'm still learning just like you. Wherever you are in your journey, you are welcome at my ok campfire.